New or refurbished, perforated or solid raised floor tiles are an exact or close match to your existing.
New or refurbished raised floor tiles which are an exact or close match to your existing floor tiles. Available in perforated or solid.
We are pleased to offer an access floor panel replacement program. Access floors have been in existence since the 1960’s and have incurred many changes. Over the years, manufacturers and models have come and gone. Our staff includes individuals who have over 30 years experience in the industry. In order to successfully match your existing floor, we first need to identify what you have. Some common panel systems have a wood core, hollow steel core and concrete filled steel core. In addition, the high pressure laminate comes in various colors and thicknesses, 1/16” and 1/8”. We have determined that the best way to service your needs is with photos of your floor.
4606 Appliance Drive
Belcamp, MD 21017
Phone (Toll Free) 866-740-2121
Fax (Toll Free) 866-550-1135