6kW of Lithium-ion Power
- 6 minute run time at full load
- 330% increased life over lead acid
Fast Recharge
- 1 hour recharge to 90%
Maintenance Free/Service Free
- Up to 7 years of battery life
- 2U of rack space
- 50% – 75% lighter than lead acid
Advanced Battery Management
- Full state of health and charge
- Controls, protects and informs
- Thermal management of cells
Larger Operating Temperature
- Deliver full power and run-time, even at 40C
Peak Shave Capability
- Supplements the grid with available Lithium-ion power
Smart Communication
- Supports Serial & SNMP
- Remote HTTP dashboard
- Supports IPv4 and IPv6
- Multifunction LCD panel
- Reports critical performance
Cost of Ownership
- No battery replacement necessary
- ROI in as little as 2 years
- Operational savings using “peak shave” feature