Understanding cooling cabinets in your server rooms
For many of us, network servers are the unsung heroes of the office. From sending emails and answering phones to helping clients meet their goals, our servers make it all possible. That’s why it’s essential that they’re protected and cared for. But as most IT professionals understand, that can be easier said than done. For many businesses, servers are tucked away in a storage room that’s less than ideal. Servers generate a lot of heat in a relatively small space, and that heat can be destructive if left unchecked. That’s where cooling cabinets come in.
Climate Control
Cooling cabinets provide closed, consistent climate control, even in server rooms that might otherwise be unsuitable. Maybe your server room doesn’t have proper ventilation, or external walls lead to higher levels of humidity than manufacturers recommend. Or perhaps your office simply isn’t air-conditioned. Cooling cabinets create a cool, dry, sterile environment where one is otherwise unavailable.
Save Energy
Maintaining the temperature of an entire room full of heat-generating servers can be very costly and very inefficient. The NRDC estimates that data centers across the US use up the entire output of around 26 power plants, and that half of that energy is actually wasted. According to ASME and Uptime Institute, a research organization for data center efficiency, only around 8% of room-controlled chilled air actually reaches the server unit. The rest can be blocked by cables and lost though unseen ventilation. Cooling cabinets allow you use much less energy and cool only where it counts.
Physical Security
In this day and age, data is one of the most valuable resources in the world, and protecting your data is critical to both your company and your clients. Cooling cabinets provide an additional barrier between your information and potential threats. With locking front and back doors that can alert administrators when opened, your cabinet can offer peace of mind against unexpected intruders. Server room cooling is a complex process that involves a variety of factors. For more information on the best ways to keep your data center cool and collected, visit Data Center Resources.